I have begun a new project inspired by my mother’s passing last year. Her name was Rosemary.
While the time spent at her bedside was deeply meaningful with the whole family present, the time afterwards was a little unsettling. Several hours passed and the funeral director arrived and proceeded to wrap her in a very plain canvas covering. Her entire body including her head was covered in this coarse material and I found it disturbing.
I have been making a shroud for my mother, as a tribute to her gentle and loving spirit.
I am experimenting with using some flowers I have pounded in the soft cotton and incorporated a little petticoat my mom saved all these years – I had worn it as a toddler. The photo above is a close-up of a piece of fabric in which I pounded flowers. Can you see the colors?
Here is the shroud, which is a work in progress. I will share with you what happens as I go along.

If you want to try pounding flowers onto paper or fabric, here is a link to simple instructions for artists of all ages https://www.cedarwoodschool.org/cherry-blossom/flower-pounding